A thank you note
I am thankful to my dearest friend who pushed me extra mile to get my dream come true, and that dream would be owning my own blog. Well! I got a little more than I had dream of, I got “www.nija.com.np” .Yay me!!!
(You must be grinning right now reading this but please don’t complain if my words are wrong here even though I highly appreciate your editing. You know how much I depend on your expert opinion.)
Why would I be grinning? I am not… I am smiling (literally)
thank you for the real sweet thank you note 🙂
yeah, this post needs some editing bt gonna leave it as it is. not gonna touch my own thank u note 😛
wish u all the best on your dream… i can see the rise of a great blogger 😀
HAHA… Seriously ???dude you are one hell of a critic.Yesma ta kei edit pardaina hai ,I was just saying.Anyway, thank you again and again for everything. 🙂
kina pardaina? cha edit garnu parne. bt it should be left as it is.
and you are most welcome.. again n again 🙂