
Free fall

You! Yes, you always fall in love! You don’t glide and you don’t slide, there is no other way around. It is not my way or your way, it is the only way (I know were thinking highway, well, even if you were not, now you are). If one was to take all those three words of the phrase “fall in love” too literally, I imagine sea-sized field with soft velvety rose petals (ultra soft, much softer than the newly born’s bottom.. :P).Then I find myself free falling from the clear blue sky… arms wide open… eyes closed…cheek-numbing huge smile, black waves of curls bouncing in the air… falling and just falling assured that I am going to hit that softness of the ground. I hit the red velvety sea, whole weight of my love drunk body creating a big splash of red soft petals…

say yes…

“marry me?” those were the words that made me smile.Well of course you were kidding then and I was aware about that! but that was really cute; for the fact that it was our second or third conversation (back in my head i was like- either you are too stupid to be saying this or boy you are too darn good at flirting :P).Thinking about those not many days that we had for ourselves now confuses me, I am not sure if I should be sad that we are not together or happy that at least we had our share of happiness.

Your words definitely hypnotized me and made me say “yes” every time you asked “marry me.” … No doubt we were crazy. The best part of the craziness was I was falling in L.O.V.E with YOU. We joked, we flirted, we talked, we laughed but I, only I fell into the beautifully decorated ditch full of love.

You were my prince with shining words(not swords).

P.S. No any regrets!!!



fairy tale what?

                                                 images (3)That fairy tale-like- love story I believed to be  mine was never mine. The pretty princess in that drop dead gorgeous gown whom I reckoned to reflect my true self was definitely not me. No need to spend words describing my knight in shining armor of that story as obvious it may be, it was not you.It was after turning pages after pages of that thick dusty old story book that I realized… it missed my favourite line “… and they lived happily ever after”.

All twenty six of them!!!


I have crush on the curves of the letter  “S” , love how the lines go up to the sky and touch ground and repeat again when you scribble “M” ,feel dizzy when I go round in circle and fall down when I struggle to make small letter “a”. Wonder myself why I love writing every word in lower case than the mighty upper. It’s sad how you have to put them front at the line of every fresh sentence. Not being more wordist (something like racist, alright bare me even if it is not a proper word),I would love to tell you my love story with not just one single letter but all twenty six of them! (I bet there is no such thing like one-man-one-letter). When I glue all those individual letters and they make some words, I stash them together and make sentence and seal it with a full stop. Sometimes, I put them all together in a bundle to make paragraph out of them. If the letters behave and are in proper manner, I treat them by making sweet stories.

what do I understand ?

He was a shy guy. so shy he barely spelled the letters L,O,V,E together: but when he did he made a strong remark about the combined letters, he stated “LOVE is absurd”.Listening to his remark all I did was keep quiet but in my head i would be like “ABSURD???harey bhagwan! what would that word possibly mean?I will google it as soon as he hangs up”.Then the second he hung up,I googled the word and be like “eh ! eso po bhaneko rahecha” . Well, intelligent you are if you already know the meaning but for those who don’t or are confused,I ll make it easy,you don’t have to go through trouble of googling it, this is what Mr. google says “wildly unreasonable, illogical or inappropriate.” But I still have no idea, what he really meant ; did he mean love is unreasonable or that it was inappropriate?. Cause if he meant love was unreasonable, it was he who was being unreasonable bailing out on a perfectly happy moments; and if he defining love meant inappropriate, it was again he who was being inappropriate to think himself appropriate to be calling love “absurd”.

your kind of music

You say you will never fall in love again, that you had enough share of rough patches on your heart to hold it from exploding. You even fake promises to yourself ( yourself is the only one you can make promises to when you know your best friend will not believe the same promises that you break overtimes). Alrite,let us not be that rude on oneself, you keep that promise, but for how long? Say seven months? Or may be a year!
Ta Da! Then guess what happens after a year. You meet a guy, just be friends (I thought the line “a guy n a girl can never be JUST friends “ was super lame but I guess it stays lame only till one of the heart starts beating in another rhythm… then you know how that story continues).Sooner or later you will notice the change in rhythm of the heart beat, the only question will be if it is you kind of music or not. Lucky if you love lazy Jazz and his heart beats in tunes of Jazz as well; but a tragedy if his heart starts singing cozy country songs.


My heart is a total mess! It wanders around recklessly, not wanting to be tamed. It drinks and drives around city owned by heartless hearts, bumps into one mischievous bad black heart. You know the rest… it falls 5.5 feet under the ground. Why 5.5 feet you ask? If you must know, better would be if it fell half more feet down; my heart would rest in peace then. But No! it dint, it got stuck at 5.5, suffocating, wanting to breathe love-filled-air and live!

in the air

I will speak to you in whispers so that no one can hear me talk to you.I will scribble your name in the air so that no one can see it. I want to keep you a secret. My only secret!

baking hearts!!!

Never ever ever had I ever thought that my heart would possess tongue of its own.No such thing had I imagined, not even in my dream that my heart would be swarmed with zillions of taste buds. Irrationally generous or generously irrational was I to serve it a huge slice of my love that I baked for you. Every day I started, I started to bake, bake my love for you to feed my starving heart. The sugary syrupy savory taste of that love got jammed up on those stubborn tiny taste buds.

Soon they realized that smoky feeling when I was baking,  slowly killing me instead of healing. Then my heart refused to taste it, asking me to stop it. Many days passed by when my heart kept on starving .Hard for my mind it was to see my poor heart dying. Then it suggested to make some warm memories with chunks of laughter and happiness. So, I did! Made warm creamy memories, dropped big chunks of laughter and happiness ; filled the spoon full and slowly let my heart sip it.

shy n’ nervous

tumblr_mi6ca5Dfhy1rnb624o1_500Shy were those lips,

When they smiled listening to me blabber endlessly.

Nervous and happy were those eyes,

When they were caught by my sight!